What is a Keep Tag
A Keep Tag is a physical tag, of a standard size, that is designed to be kept by a product owner for the lifetime of the product. It connects to unique digital information about the product.
Why do I need a physical Tag
Whether it is for marketing, engagement, warranty, ownership, authenticity, or a digital product passport - there are many reasons that the products we sell, or own need a digital data connect between manufacturer and owner.
However connecting, maintaining and transferring that digital record is fraught with challenges, and this is where Keep Tags come in
What can a Keep Tag be made of
A Keep Tag must meet certain standards of size, durability, and digital connectivity. However they can be made of a wide variety of products as a manufacture wishes, such as plastic, card or metal
How big is a Keep Tag
The Keep Tag standard currently supports two standard size:
CR-80: (54mmx86mm) Otherwise known as a credit card size, this can be printed vertically for a hang tag, or horizontally
3-up: ( 28.5mm x 54mm) This 1/3rd credit card size is perfect for smaller objects
What digital connectivity does a Keep Tag Support
A Keep tag must have a a unique digital connectivity element. This can be via a:
QR Code: A clear printed and unique QR code that matches the format of a GS1 Digital Link and linked to a compatible Resolver
NFC Tag: A phone readable NTAG 21x or 424 NDEF record that opens a unique URL that is also a Resolver
A Keep tag may also heve an RFID inbuilt for stock keeping and other tracability
What can be printed on a KeepTag
You can print as much, or as little information on the Keep Tag as you like as long as:
There is a unique QR Code that links to the correct product information and a Resolver and not just a generic company page
The KeepTag Logo mark is present on the page, to indicate it’s compatibility with the programme
What is a Resolver
A Key part of the Keep Tag is the requirement for items to be added to supporting digital wallets. To allow a digital wallet to read in product information, the QR Code or NFC Tag, must support an Enhanced GS1 Resolver.
The GS1 Resolver is a technology to allow a standard set of product information to be received back via an API. This allows digital wallets to be able to read this information and collect it in a standardized way.
Can I make my own Keep Tag
Yes - Keep Tag is am open consortium which anyone can join and add their own KeepTags to. You can print these yourself and link to any supported system, as long as you meet the published standards for compatibility
What does each tag cost
There is a membership fee to join the Keep Tag consortium, however there is no charge on a per-tag basis to print your own tags